EasyCrowd is a trademark of Treize37, a simplified joint stock company with capital of 38,920 euros.
Registered office:
50 rue du Faubourg Saint-Martin
75010 Paris - France
Registered with the RCS de Paris - SIREN : 533 359 188
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Publication manager: Fabrice Carrega
Email: contact [at] easycrowd.net
This site is hosted by Heroku Inc. 321 11th Street San Francisco, CA, 94103 United States of america.
LThe storage of users' personal data is provided by Amazon Inc., 410 Terry Avenue North, Seattle, WA.
The hosting and storage of the data are therefore provided by US companies.
However, in accordance with the decision of 6 October 2015 of the CJEU and the consequential CNIL injunction, all data is stored exclusively on European servers and does not transit to the United States of America.
The site is developed and maintained by EasyCrowd.