The latest news

Monday 16 October 2023 00:00 Fabrice Carrega
Discover the latest additions to our paperless underwriting solution.
EasyCrowd - Electronic signature - What's new october 2023 - Illustration

Lately, at EasyCrowd, we have been working on a number of evolutions to our dematerialized investment solution. Among other things, we have provided our customers with:

- An upgrade of their Yousign electronic signature environment, enabling them to fully automate their securities underwriting processes (shares, bonds, royalty contracts);

- An even greater customization of application (or project) forms. The elements requested on each of the platforms we operate on a white label basis are fully customizable, as is the format of the information entered by users;

- Improved support for direct debit mandates for payment service provider (PSP) Lemonway. The same type of evolution will soon be available for MangoPay;

- A review of the role and rights of user managers, to enhance the experience of wealth management advisors (WMAs) who are partners of our customers' investment platforms;

- An optimization of the generation of repayment schedules, loans with interests for platforms managing bonds or crowdlending.

Every day, we continue to improve our software solution, in order to offer our customers the best possible technical tool, whether they operate a donation, loan, investment or royalty site.

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